- ZDSTRP is one of the top manufacturers of replica carburetors. (Their feedback is 88% for 5 stars and 10% for 4 stars). Apart from the brand name, these carburetors are considered, to all intents and purposes, identical to the Keihin product. Also matches KOSO and OKO carburetors. A top quality casting and nicely machined.
The components supplied are;
- the complete carburetor
- 3 fuel lines
- flexible coupling
- two spare sets of jets (see below)
The 30mm carburetor dimensions in mm are as follows;
A = 35; B = 50, C = 83; D = 150 (see the relevant picture)
Suits engines from 150cc - 250cc
Standard Jets, Slow N424-21-38, Main Jet 99101-357-120, Spares 39/41 and 115/125
Further jets are available on our other listings for the above jet types, N424-21 and 99101-357.
Note: These jets are supplied at the price shown for immediate UK dispatch. There are no import duties or VAT to pay nor extended overseas delivery.